New Sanitizer from Yuni

By Happi Staff | 06.18.20

A vegan-plant based spray with 72% alcohol.

Over the past few months, hand-sanitizer has become essential. Sterilize and moisturize with Yuni Beauty Keep It Clean Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer. Exceeding CDC recommendations, this hand sanitizing spray blends 72% alcohol with organic, natural ingredients to kill germs and bacteria while keeping hands hydrated. Additionally, the spray bottle allows for use on surfaces such as door handles, steering wheels and light switches.
Keep It Clean Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer is a vegan, plant-based hand sanitizing spray. The 72% plant-based alcohol kills bacteria to help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs; whereas, the organic aloe, blueberry, calendula, sea stilt extract and glycerin offer moisturizing and protective properties “to help hydrate, nourish, smooth, and soothe skin.”