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Donald Trump and Hair Spray

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According to the Associated Press, Donald Trump has provided key details on his…hair spray preferences. 
According to a wire story, the politician told supporters in South Carolina that he doesn’t like replacements for aerosol hairsprays.
“You can't use hairspray because hairspray is going to affect the ozone,” he said, according to AP. “They want me to use the pump because the other one, which I really like better than going 'bing,' 'bing,' 'bing,' and then it comes out in big globs, right? And it's stuck in your hair, and you say, 'Oh my God, I got to take a shower again, my hair's all screwed up,' right? I want to use hairspray.”
Mr. Trump, you can spray away; aerosol products do not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). In fact, the US banned the use of CFCs in 1978.


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