Industry News

RIFM’s Third Annual Science Symposium is November 6

The free online event will offer an in-depth overview of the science supporting animal-free, next-generation safety assessments and research.

The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) will hold its third virtual Annual Science Symposium on Nov. 6, 2024.

RIFM scientists and its collaborators in academia and industry will provide in-depth overviews of recently published and in-progress findings that are making waves among fragrance safety stakeholders worldwide. They will also engage directly with audience members, answering questions and sharing knowledge and ideas in real time.

This year’s theme, “Strengthening Science, Together,” focuses on RIFM’s collaborative science, wealth of fragrance safety data and animal-free new approach methodology (NAM) strategy, instrumental in propelling the institute into its position as a leading authority on the safe use of fragrance.

Registration is open here.

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