
The Happi Podcast with SMAKK Studios Founder Katie Klencheski

The Happi Podcast with SMAKK Studios Founder Katie Klencheski

Expert brand builder discusses sustainability, the triple bottom line and why brands should never "mission wash."

By Christine Esposito, Managing Editor05.18.22
Sustainability is tablestakes today’s beauty marketplace. That should not be news to anyone who reads Happi or listens to our podcasts—but brands of all sizes can always benefit from new voices as they navigate what sustainability means for their own operations and for their customers.

Katie Klencheski, founder of New York City-based creative agency SMAKK Studios, helps companies embrace sustainability. She has worked with a number of high profile brands spanning from Mother Dirt to Walmart.

In this podcast, Klencheski talks about the triple bottom line (prosperity, people and planet), current challenges impacting sustainability efforts and why it is critical to not mission wash.